1. Download Latest Product
Supplier can use this API to download file related one or more products for update.
It is used when downloading zip file related product that compose of depth combination xlsx, contents xlsx, images.
If you enter validate access key and common code list, you can download files that you will use for update your product. - Product - Update
2. API Spec
Endpoint |
Method |
Description | Download xlsx files about existing products. |
Content-Type |
Body Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description |
supplier_access_key | O | String |
supplier_unit_common_codes | O | List[String] |
Request Example
{ "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["c1e973a5", "795c20fe"] }
{ "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["not_existing_common_code"] }
Name | Type | Description |
result.zip | File | Files
Error Spec
Status Code | Message | Solution |
403 |
| The valid supplier access key must be entered |
400 |
| The valid supplier unit common code list must be entered |
Response Example
{ "status_code": 403, "message": "자격 인증데이터(authentication credentials)가 제공되지 않았습니다." }
3. Request Example
curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://prod.ax-cloud.com/v1/wholeness-download' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-CSRFTOKEN: nG8FlrJivkOlWRLqWfQTbZnK6tYcknSrL5PhxhFaZgJpJuUmc5bcWdekVbOHybpa' \ -d '{ "download_type": "API", "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["c1e973a5", "795c20fe", "c1e973a5"] }
4. Limitation
Common code must be exist in DB by your upload.