1. Download Inventory
You can obtain inventory information of the desired product, version, date, and time.
2. API Spec
Endpoint |
Method | POST |
Description | Download xlsx file about existing inventories. |
Content-Type |
Body Parameter
Name | Required | Type | Description |
supplier_access_key | O | String |
supplier_unit_common_codes | O | List[String] |
versions | O | List[String] |
Request Example
{ "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["c1e973a5", "795c20fe"], "versions": ["1.1", "3.5"] }
# supplier_unit_common_codes error { "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["not_exist_common_code"], "versions": ["1.1", "3.5"] }
# versions type error { "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["c1e973a5", "795c20fe"], "versions": [1.1, 3.5] }
# common_code-version match error { "supplier_access_key": "86e8b65a-d008-4e23-90d3-99b0f639c0e5", "supplier_unit_common_codes": ["c1e973a5", "795c20fe"], "versions": ["1.1", "3.5", "4.7"] }
Name | Type | Description |
inventory.xlsx | File | Inventory xlsx added columns related inventory to depth combination xlsx |
Error Spec
Status Code | Message | Solution |
403 |
| The valid supplier access key must be entered |
400 |
| The valid supplier unit common code list and version list must be entered |
Response Example
{ "status_code": 403, "message": "자격 인증데이터(authentication credentials)가 제공되지 않았습니다." }
{ "status_code": 400, "message": "Need valid supplier unit common code, value, not 06311edcz-1.0" }
3. Request Example
curl -X 'POST' \ 'https://prod.ax-cloud.com/v1/inventory-download' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-CSRFTOKEN: nG8FlrJivkOlWRLqWfQTbZnK6tYcknSrL5PhxhFaZgJpJuUmc5bcWdekVbOHybpa' \ -d '{ "supplier_access_key": "f38d4291-b253-4ca8-9b01-d9b8ffd3cd51", "supplier_unit_common_codes": [ "06311edc", "fe9e2fda" ], "versions": [ "1.0", "1.0" ] }
4. Limitation
Common code and versions must be exist in DB by your upload.